Self described as “charismatic, passionate, and goofy,” I found Andrew to also be adventurous. From the moment we met at Tannery Row for his senior portrait session, he was ready to take some interesting pics while having fun.
Let the Adventure begin
I love creating amazing images in unlikely places. Instead of the usual pretty background, we were on a mission to use an old industrial building as a backdrop for great senior photos. Who knew that the dreaded kudzu could actually come in handy.
From the beginning, Andrew’s adventurous side showed up when he asked to climb on top of one of the containers. For fear that we might get in trouble, I told him that “we would save that picture for last.”
One of Andrew’s goals this year is to get better at skateboarding. He brought his dad’s old skateboard along to show me some of his skills. With the lime green and black board and his pink sweatshirt he looked reminiscent of the show 90210.
There are blue doors on the front of the building. With no stairs, the entrance is over 5 feet off the ground, and obviously no longer in use. That didn’t stop us. Andrew quickly scaled the wall to pose in front of the doors. There was a slight bit of concern when we were unsure how to get him down. He said no problem and jumped before his mom and I could yell “NO!” for fear of broken bones. No worries, he landed like a cat with all nine lives still intact.
Future Plans
Andrew’s sense of humor is shown by his senior quote, “When life hands you lemons, throw them at pedestrians” (Tyler, The Creator). He loves hanging out with friends and has a passion for cars even though he is currently without one. Car that is, not friends. He is on the hunt for a new (new to him) car, but has yet to find the one he is dreaming of. I’m sure when he does, he and his friends will be riding into the sunset, or more likely to the lake or a car rally.
He has his sights set on UGA in the fall. Andrew has a couple of different ideas for a future career at this point. He is leaning towards either engineering or finance. Not to worry. He plans on figuring it out in college. Hopefully he will be yelling “Go Dawgs” come next September.
Dear Andrew,
I had so much fun during your senior portrait session. You were up for trying new things, climbing walls, and walking through kudzu (snakes?). I enjoyed getting to know you and seeing your charisma for life. Your adventurous spirit and positive attitude will take you far in life. Don’t ever lose your great qualities.
One of my personal heroes is Albert Einstein, so I leave you with a quote from him that reminds me of your spirit. “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” With your passion and curiosity for life, you are going to be a force to be reckoned with in the future!

images by Cheri Michelle Photography
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