To say I am proud of this woman is an understatement! In December Michelle accomplished the remarkable by earning a PhD from the University of Georgia in Science Education. A PhD!!!
We met 16 years ago, both fresh out of college with a teaching degrees ready to change the world, or at least be a positive influence on the 7th graders we had been entrusted with.
Michelle will be the first to tell you that she never thought she would strive for a PhD. However, God had other plans. Earning the degree was extremely hard to accomplish, but worth it. She is thankful for the friends she met along the way that helped her keep going. At home, her husband Dan cheered her on while helping with the extra chores as she stayed up late working on her dissertation.
After long days in the classroom and dissertation work at night, Michelle’s horses helped her relax and regroup. The 26 year old Buckwheat has been with her since she was in middle school. Then eight years ago she brought home Alley, a gigantic horse who identifies as a cuddly dog. Michelle will readily tell you that Alley is her “equine soulmate.” The two of them together are a beautiful pair.
Michelle, you truly are an amazing woman. I love that you take on seemingly impossible tasks and don’t give up. You are definitely an inspiration to me and many others. Women of all ages need strong role models like you. You don’t simply say follow your dreams, you show us how through your own example. I am proud to call you my friend.
Throughout her journey, Psalms 61:2-3 has become Michelle’s bedrock. It implores, “From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”

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